Why Do the Dishes?

I have written many blogs about mindfulness and how being in the present moment can impact your life.. So when I read the article by Karen Maezen Miller in www.lionsroar.com the following quote really hit home for me. “ The search for meaning robs our life of meaning sending us back into our discursive minds […]

You Gotta Have Hope

  It may be feel especially challenging these days with all the uncertainty and loss to hold on to a sense of hope. Hope is based on relationships- a collaborative connection with people and your personal sense of a higher power. Dr. Anthony Scioli (www.gainhope.com) is a researcher who has developed a Hope Scale which […]

Spring into Action

It is often so much easier to just keep doing what you have always done. Taking a RISK and DARING to be different is a chance to build up that muscle of courage and resiliency. I was given this great lists of DARES for Encouragement that I want to share .See if you can pick […]

Listen To Your “Sixth Sense”

You know when you have a “sense” that something is not right? You can’t really put your finger on what exactly is wrong, but your “gut” tells you to pay attention to what is happening. This is what we call your intuition. When we are stressed or fearful, we often don’t pay attention to ourselves […]

An Oldie but Goodie

Sometimes I go to my bookcase and discover an old treasure that has been nestled on the shelf for many years. Such was when I found this book ,Don’t Let Your Mind Stunt Your Growth written by Bryan E. Robinson, Ph.D. and published in 2000 by New Harbinger Press. ( a terrific resource). It has been […]

Find Your Glimmer

You experience your world through your physical body. When you are in a steady  calm state, you can connect with others and yourself.  However, when you feel threat, your body reacts and mobilizes to protect you. Your body holds on to the memories of past threatening events and causes you to feel fear. This physical […]

It’s 2022- Are You Ready to Change?

What habit or behavior do you keep doing even when you know you need to make a change? Just thinking about changing is not enough. You need a plan to move forward and replace that behavior with a healthier choice. Your habit might  be you eat too much, exercise too little, or react in a […]

“Tis the Season”

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The holiday 2021 season brings the hope of renewal after the many challenging months of the pandemic. With that expectation, you might place even greater pressure to make up for last year and feel you  must meet the needs of everyone else. The source of much of this stress is that we try to do […]

Hope During Challenging Times

  I have been listening to a webinar hosted by Sounds True on HOPE whose keynote speaker was Jane Goodall. What an amazing wise woman whose spirit continues to shine through at a time in our lives and the life of our planet which may cause discouragement  and despair. She clearly tells us that hope […]

Sentara Virtual Book Launch

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] In support of Breast Cancer Awareness, I hope you can join me on Zoom for this book launch on October 20th at noon.  If not, please tell others whose lives have been impacted by cancer who you think might benefit. As always, thanks for your support. [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column] [/et_pb_row] […]